Presentation Options for PC

or icon to the left of the red phone, you will be presented with the following options:

The "Notes" options are only relevant if you are using OneNote, and these will not be described here. However, several of the other presentation options merit discussion.

alternative accessible content

SfB/Lync meets Boston University's security requirements for Public, Sensitive and Confidential Information, but does not meet the requirements for Restricted Use data.  If you routinely handle Restricted Use data such as Credit Card numbers, Social Security numbers, Financial Account numbers for external financial institutions, Protected Health Information (PHI) or HIPAA data, you must be careful not to share this information over SfB/Lync. 


When you click "Create," SfB activates the poll question as shown below. There does not seem to be an option for saving a series of poll questions beforehand as you can do in Adobe Connect. Consequently, the polling option seems to have very limited usefulness for an online class.