

Over 33% of the adult US population is obese, and an additional 34% are considered overweight. Patients are often trying to lose weight, and it is estimated that Americans spend $33 billion dollars per year on products for weight-loss. Patients may fall prey to the newest fad diets, which often promise dramatic weight loss despite being largely untested.


It is important that patients know the truth about dieting, and that we are able to guide their choices.

Why do diets fail?

Sustainable weight loss is often the result of a lifestyle change and not a "diet" with a start and end date connected to it. A recent Consumer Report rated popular diet books and plans and provided common sense tips for sustainable weight loss: Teens who are tempted to lose weight by adopting one of the fad diets should read the information at this web site:

Most popular diets fall into one of two categories: Low Carb/High Protein or High Carb/Low Fat diets.

Low Carb/High Protein High Carb/Low Fat

- Emphasize protein intake

- Restrict calories

- Tend to be higher in fat




Protein Power

The Zone

- Emphasize carbohydrate intake

- Tend to be higher in fiber and lower in fat




The Pritikin Diet



 There are many fad diets. However, this learning module will focus on several of the more popular diets, which are listed here: