
In order to prevent or mitigate adverse health effects, we must identify potentially harmful exposures, identify their sources, identify persons who are exposed, and then quantify their extent of exposure and assess their risk of adverse health effects. We can then use this information to reduce harmful exposures, thereby reducing risk and reducing adverse health effects.

The goal of human exposure assessment is to estimate and quantify human contact and entry into the body of potentially harmful agents. This includes:

Essential Questions:

  1. What types of exposures affect health outcomes?
  2. How can we measure exposure in individuals?
  3. How can we measure exposure at the population level?

Learning Objectives

After completing this section, you will be able to:


Levin et al, 2004. Physical health status of World Trade Center Rescue and Recovery Workers and Volunteers – New York City, July 2002-August 2004. Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention