The Power of the State

The next morning you accompany Barstow and one of his inspectors, Christine, to Lenny's bakery. Lenny Sampson is the owner and manager of The Sparta Bakery (1:58)


Barstow says this has never happened to him before. Food establishment owners are often anxious and defensive about inspections, but he is usually able to quickly convince them that it is in their best interest to cooperate. He says, "Maybe we should check the state laws on this. Let's look in the Law Library."

After reviewing the regulations in the Law Library, answer the following questions:


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After reviewing the regulations in the Law Library, you have determined that which of the following is true?



Comments from Two Health Department Directors


Inspection #1

Barstow makes a phone call to the local police chief and explains the situation; he also faxes a copy of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations to him and to Leonard. The police chief calls Leonard, who has already spoken to his lawyer. Leonard concedes to the chief that he was hasty and overreacted, and his lawyer advised him to comply. Several hours later you, Barstow, and Christine are back at Lenny's. Lenny again meets you at the door and says, "Well, I checked with my lawyer, and I read the regulations. You can go ahead and inspect. It's just that I run this place the best I can, and I don't want any trouble." (2:52)

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