Box Plots

A "boxplot", or "box-and-whiskers plot" is a graphical summary of a distribution; the box in the middle indicates "hinges" (close to the first and third quartiles) and median. The lines ("whiskers") show the largest or smallest observation that falls within a distance of 1.5 times the box size from the nearest hinge. If any observations fall farther away, the additional points are considered "extreme" values and are shown separately. A boxplot can often give a good idea of the data distribution, and is often more useful to compare distributions side-by-side, as it is more compact than a histogram. We will see an example soon.


> boxplot(airquality$Ozone)  #Figure 2.2.3a


We can use the boxplot function to calculate quick summaries for all the variables in our data set—by default, R computes boxplots column by column. Notice that missing data causes no problems to the boxplot function (similar to summary).

> boxplot(airquality[,1:4])    

# Figure 2.2.3b: only for numerical variables

Figure (b) is not really meaningful as the variables may not be on comparable scales. The real power of box plots is really to do comparisons of variables by sub-grouping. For example, we may be interested in comparing the fluctuations in temperature across months. To create boxplots of temperature data grouped by the factor "month", we use the command:

> boxplot(airquality$Temp ~ airquality$Month)


We can also write the same command using a slightly more readable language:

> boxplot(Temp ~ Month, data = airquality)


The tilde symbol "~" indicates which factor to group by. We will come back to more discussion on plotting grouped data later on.

Boxplots and Boxplots With Groups in R (R Tutorial 2.2) MarinStatsLectures [Contents]

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