H - Hydrogen Li - Lithium Na - Sodium K - Potassium Rb - Rubidium Cs - Cesium Fr - Francium He - Helium Ne - Neon Ar - Argon Kr - Krypton Xe - Xenon Rn - Radon F - Fluorine Cl - Chlorine Br - Bromine I - Iodine At - Astatine O - Oxygen S - Sulfur Se - Selenium Te - Tellurium Po - Polonium N - Nitrogen P - Phosphorus As - Arsenic Sb - Antimony Bi - Bismuth C - Carbon Si - Silicon Ge - Germanium Sn - Tin Pb - Lead B - Boron Al - Aluminum Ga - Gallium In - Indium Tl - Thallium Zn - Zinc Cd - Cadmium Hg - Mercury Uub - Ununbium Uuu - Unununium Au - Gold Ag - Silver Cu - Copper Ni - Nickel Pt - Platinum Uun - Ununnilium Co - Cobalt Pd - Palladium Rh - Rhodium Ir - Iridium Mt - Meitnerium Hs - Hassium Os - Osmium Ru - Ruthenium Fe - Iron Mn - Manganese Tc - Technetium Re - Rhenium Bh - Bohrium Cr - Chromium Mo - Molybdenum W - Tungsten Sg - Seaborgium Db - Dubnium Ta - Tantalum Nb - Niobium V - Vanadium Ti - Titanium Zr - Zirconium Hf - Hafnium Rf - Rutherfordium Sc - Scandium Y - Yttrium Ra - Radium Ba - Barium Sr - Strontium Ca - Calcium Mg - Magnesium Be - Beryllium Lu - Lutetium Lr - Lawrencium No - Nobelium Yb - Ytterbium Tm - Thulium Md - Mendelevium Er - Erbium Fm - Fermium Ho - Holmium Es - Einsteinium Dy - Dysprosium Cf - Californium Tb - Terbium Bk - Berkelium Gd - Gadolinium Cm - Curium Eu - Europium Am - Americium Sm - Samarium Pu - Plutonium Pm - Promethium Np - Neptunium Nd - Neodymium U - Uranium Pr - Praseodymium Pa - Protactinium Ce - Cerium Th - Thorium La - Lanthanum Ac - Actinium




Influenza is an acute viral infection with symptoms ranging from mild to severe depending on an individual's phenotype. This virus circulates worldwide and can affect any age group. Influenza is attributed to not only social and economic disruption, but also hundreds of thousands of deaths each year. With the recent 2009 swine flu pandemic, influenza has become a major priority for governments and health agencies. This module will touch on the history of influenza, its biological basis, interventions, surveillance, and determinants of influenza.

Learning Objectives

After successfully completing this section, the student will be able to:

  1. Explain the basic structure of the influenza virus.
  2. Discuss the origin of new influenza strains.
  3. Explain the process of infection and replication of influenza viruses.
  4. Outline the symptoms and complications of influenza infection.
  5. Distinguish between pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions to mitigate influenza epidemics and pandemics..
  6. Discuss who should and who should not get vaccinated and the priorities for influenza vaccination if supplies of the vaccine are limited..
  7. Descrive worldwide surveillance of influenza viruses.
  8. Discuss the factors that influence the propogation of influenza epidemics.

