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Additional Evidence

Acute and Chronic Health Effects of Air Pollution

Read the following papers:

The Surgeon General Weighs the Evidence

What are the criteria that are widely used to make a judgment about causality?
(Resource: Causal Inference)

Review the 2006 Surgeon General's Report on The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke. Review pages 10 and 11, Evidence Evaluation and Major Conclusions, respectively. Note that in the electronic version of the PDF, this corresponds to pages 29 and 30.

Does the Surgeon General's report appear to rely on rigorous, specific criteria for inferring causality? Justify your opinion.

Power of the State

In your opinion, do states and municipalities have the authority to ban smoking in one's own apartment or condominium? What are the criteria by which the U.S. Supreme Court would judge this?


Smoking Bans and Heart Attacks

As noted earlier, many states and municipalities enacted statutes or regulations that banned smoking in a variety of settings.

Read the following articles:

After reading the articles listed above, consider the following questions.

  • What type of study did Bartecchi and colleagues conduct?
  • What are the limitations of this type of study?
  • Reflect on the body of evidence that you have reviewed in this module. What conclusions have you reached?

Read the following to learn more about the case against environmental tobacco smoke and Galila Huff.