This is an alternate content page containing a Sorting Activity. It has opened in a new window.
The activity has categories and cards. Cards may have text or an image. Assign the cards to the proper categories.

Probably acceptable
Probably NOT acceptable

Card 1:
Text: A woman kicks a dog in the US.
Card 2:
Text: Women carrying wood where it is improper for men to carry wood.
Card 3:
Text: Belching after a meal where it is a normal way to compliment the food.
Card 4:
Text: Belching audibly affer a meal in the US
Card 5:
Text: A student helps his friend cheat on an exam in the US.
Card 6:
Text: Kicking a dog where dogs always carry diseases
Card 7:
Text: Coming to a meeting1/2 late in the US
Card 8:
Text: Letting a friend copy exam answers where it is shameful not to help.
Card 9:
Text: A male guest helps clear dishes after dinner in the US.
Card 10:
Text: A wife carrying heavy bags while her husband carries nothing in the US
Card 11:
Text: Being 1/2 hour late in where people always arrive 1/2 hour late
Card 12:
Text: A man and woman kissing in public where it is consided improper.
Card 13:
Text: Kicking a dog where dogs are mostly wild and vicious
Card 14:
Text: Making the "Okay" gesture at someone in the US.
Card 15:
Text: Making the OK gesture where it is consider obscene.
Card 16:
Text: A male guest helping clear dishes where men never clear dishes.
Card 17:
Text: A man and woman kiss on a park bench in the US.

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