This is an alternate content page containing a Sorting Activity. It has opened in a new window.
The activity has categories and cards. Cards may have text or an image. Assign the cards to the proper categories.

Aspects that are easily seen or oberved
Aspects that are difficult to see

Card 1:
Text: Music
Card 2:
Text: Food
Card 3:
Text: Meaning of tone of voice
Card 4:
Text: General world view
Card 5:
Text: Facial expressions
Card 6:
Text: Concept of beauty
Card 7:
Text: Work ethic
Card 8:
Text: Personal space
Card 9:
Text: Nature of friendship
Card 10:
Text: Notions of modesty
Card 11:
Text: Values
Card 12:
Text: Rules of social etiquette
Card 13:
Text: Concept of time
Card 14:
Text: Eye contact
Card 15:
Text: Language
Card 16:
Text: Eating habits
Card 17:
Text: Concept of self
Card 18:
Text: Dance

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