Then and Now

Let's explore Weymouth as it is today and compare and contrast it with Weymouth as it existed in 1880.

Install Google Earth on your computer if you don't already have it. If you don't yet have it, go to and install the free version. After Google Earth is installed and you have opened it, you will see a search box at the upper left corner of your screen. Enter "75 Middle St., Weymouth, MA," which is the street address for the current town hall. Hit the enter key. This will zoom down the Weymouth. At the lower left corner of your Google Earth window, there is a sub window for "Layers" with a series of options that you can turn on or off. Click on the boxes for


You can navigate using the controls on the left side of the Google Earth window. The top control rotates the direction of view; the next control is for tilt, and the third one is for zooming in and out. Note the small person icon that allows you to enter "street level view" for a closer look by clicking on the person icon and dragging it to the desired location on the map. The first image below is of the Weymouth Town Hall, and the next is the Town Hall from the street level view. Note that you can navigate from either view.

The street level view of the Weymouth Town Hall as seen from Google Earth (below):

Now take yourself on a tour of Weymouth to get a sense of its layout and resources. Start your exploration while zoomed out to get an overview. Then explore in greater detail will zoomed in, wit h or without the street level view.

Reflect on the picture of Weymouth that emerges from the historical description and the map above showing the state of Weymouth in 1880. What are the keys differences? Think both broadly and deeply. Consider any differences that might have an impact on the health of the population, including population density, roads, transportation, places of business, etc. Compose your thoughts in no more than 300 words, and post them in the Discussion Forum for this assignment on Blackboard.