Stratified Analysis

Stratified Analysis of a Cohort Study

The easiest way to do a stratified analysis with a cohort study or a clinical trial is to subset the data into substrata and compute the risk ratio within each of the substrata.

In the large data set from the Framingham Heart Study there are the following variables:

My goal is to compute the risk ratio for the association between diabetes and hospmi stratified by sex. I begin by subsetting the data into males and females


# First run crude analysis
# Then subset and compute stratified risk ratios
females<-subset(fram, male==0)
males<-subset(fram, male==1)

# Make sure the epitools package is installed and loaded
# Use riskratio.wald() to compute the stratum-specific risk ratios


> # First run crude analysis
> table(diabetes,hospmi)
diabetes ***0 **1
***********0 2557 210
***********1 *183 **48
> riskratio.wald(table(diabetes,hospmi))
*******************0 **1 Total
***********0 2557 210 *2767
***********1 *183 **48 **231
****Total 2740 258 *2998

$measure risk ratio with 95% C.I.
**estimate ***lower **upper
0 1.00000 ******NA *****NA
1 2.73791 2.062282 3.63488

diabetes **midp.exact fisher.exact *chi.square
***********0 **********NA **********NA ***** ****NA
***********1 1.945462e-09 1.88176e-09 6.548224e-12


[1] "Unconditional MLE & normal approximation (Wald) CI"

# Stratified

> females<-subset(fram, male==0)
> males<-subset(fram, male==1)
> # Make sure the epitools package is installed and loaded
> library(epitools)

> riskratio.wald(females$diabetes,females$hospmi)

Predictor ***0 *1 Total
************0 1536 63 *1599
************1 *100 19 **119
*****Total 1636 82 *1718

risk ratio with 95% C.I.
Predictor estimate ***lower **upper
************0 1.000000 ******NA ******NA
************1 *4.052421 2.512617 6.53586

Predictor **midp.exact fisher.exact *chi.square
************0 **********NA ***********NA ***********NA
************1 1.362668e-06 1.134288e-06 2.907645e-09


[1] "Unconditional MLE & normal approximation (Wald) CI"


> riskratio.wald(males$diabetes,males$hospmi)

Predictor ***0 ***1 Total
************0 1021 147 **1168
************1 **83 **29 ***112
*****Total 1104 176 **1280

risk ratio with 95% C.I.
Predictor estimate lower upper
0 1.000000 *****NA *******NA
1 2.057337 1.452882 2.913269

Predictor **midp.exact fisher.exact chi.square
************0 **********NA ***********NA ********NA
************1 0.0003344017 0.0002819976 9.3661e-05


[1] "Unconditional MLE & normal approximation (Wald) CI"


Magnitude of confounding = (crude RR- adjusted RR) / (adjusted RR) = (2.74-2.56) / 2.56 = 0.07 =7%. Since this is less than 10%, there was little evidence of confounding. However, the risk ratio in females was nearly twice that in males, so there was evidence of possible effect measure modification.'

Stratified Analysis of a Case-Control Study

Calculating a Mantel-Haenszel Pooled Estimate of Odds Ratio with the epiDisplay package

You can do a stratified analysis of a case-control study using another imported package call "epiDisplay", but the package has to be installed once, and then it has to be loaded each time you want to use it.

To install it, go to the lower right windon in R Studio and click on the "install" tab.

Another window opens. Enter "epiDisplay" as shown below.

Click on "Install at the bottom of the window. The package should be installed, and you should see the following text appear in the Console window.

The installation procedure above only needs to be done once, but you need to load the package each time you use it by including the following line of code in your script:


> # Stratified with epiDisplay
> library(epiDisplay)
> mhor(anyB,anyS,female)

Stratified analysis by female
OR lower lim. upper lim. P value
female 0 3.01 1.64 5.46 1.86e-04
female 1 2.53 1.61 3.97 2.84e-05
M-H combined 2.69 1.92 3.79 5.02e-09

M-H Chi2(1) = 34.18 , P value = 0
Homogeneity test, chi-squared 1 d.f. = 0.24 , P value = 0.627

Interpretation: The crude odds ratio for the assocation between anyB and anyS was 2.84. After adjusting for confounding by sex, the Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio was 2.69 (p<0.0001). The magnitude of confounding was (crude OR- adjusted OR) / adjusted OR = (2.84-2.69) / 2.69 = 0.056 = 5.6%. THis is less than a 10% difference, so there was little or no confounding by sex.