Some Mathematical Symbols


There are three commonly used means of indicating multiplication


There are three commonly used ways to indicate division.

44 = 0.3577


Equals (=) & Doesn't Equal (≠)

2+3 = 5

2+3 4

(Read as "doesn't equal" or "is not equal to."

Less than (<) and greater than (>)

7 < 8

200 < 300

6 > 4

3000 > 2750

Approximately Equal

The Order of Math Operations

When you are given a mathematical expression or an equation, the order in which mathematical operations are performed is very important. The rules for this are quite simple. Consider the following example:

2 + (7+3) * 32 + 4* (3-1) + 10

At first this may look daunting, but it is really quite simple. The rules are: summarized in the table below.

Order of Operations

  1. Solve within Parentheses and Brackets from the inside out
  2. Compute Exponents
  3. Perform Multiplication and Division in the order they appear.
  4. Perform Addition and Subtraction in the order they appear..



So, for the example above your would:

  1. Solve within parentheses
  2. Compute exponents
  3. Perform multiplication and division
  4. Perform addition and subtraction

And the correct answer is 110.


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