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The activity has an image with defined hotspot areas. The hotspot areas in the image are labeled as:

In a person with emphysema the tidal volume at rest is usually fairly normal.
And their inspiration is also relatively normal.
However, as a result of the obstructive changes, their ability to exhale is impaired, leading to a diminished FEV1 and an increased residual volume. This means that expiration is incomplete, and air is trapped in the lungs at the end of expiration.

This graphic of lung volume changes shows that tidal volume (i.e., air volume inhaled and exhaled during normal respiration at rest) is usually normal. However, as a result of the obstructive changes, their ability to exhale is impaired, leading to a diminished FEV1 and an increased residual volume. This means that expiration is incomplete, and air is trapped in the lungs at the end of expiration.

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