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The tabs have an information section with a title and might have additional content and/or images.

Tab Title: Isoniazid (INH)

Tab Content:

A mutation in the gene producing the hemoprotein katG inhibits isoniazid from entering the bacterial cell wall.

Tab Title: Rifampin

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Rifampin works by inhibiting the bacterial RNA polymerase. A mutation in the gene producing TB's RNA polymerase prevents this inhibition.

Tab Title: Ethambutol

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Most studies have implicated a detrimental alteration of the mycobacterial cell wall structure.

Tab Title: Fluorquinolones

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Mechanisms of bacterial resistance to fluoroquinolones fall into two principal categories- alterations in drug target enzymes and alterations that limit permeation of drug to the target, both resulting from chromosomal mutations.

Tab Title: Aminoglycosides

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Mutations enable the bacterium to modify the antibiotic or modify the target binding site for the antibiotic.

Tab Title: Ethionamide

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Mutation in genes ethA or inhA inhibits the activation of ETHethionamide.

Tab Title: Pyrazinamide

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A mutation results in inactivation of pyrazinamide.

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