Video Modules for Excel 2003

Basics of Excel Worksheets

Module 1: Basics of Excel Worksheets

Formatting an Excel Worksheet

Module 2: Formatting an Excel Worksheet Example Spreadsheet:  Beach Inspections Form

(Note Before watching the video, download the Beach Inspections spreadsheet and save it to your own computer. Right-click on this Link to Example Spreadsheet, and select 'Save target as'.)        

Simple Math Formulas

Module 3a: Simple Math Formulas Example Spreadsheet:  IgG Dose Calculations

(Note: Before watching the video, download the IgG Dose Calculation spreadsheet and save it to your own computer. Right-click on this Link to example spreadsheet, and select 'Save target as'.            

Additional Formatting Tips            

Using the "IF" Function & Sorting Data

Module 3b: The "IF" Function and Sorting Example Spreadsheet: Tracking Pneumococcal Vaccinations

(Note: Before watching the video, download the PneumoVaccines spreadsheet and save it to your own computer. Right-click on this Link to example spreadsheet, and select 'Save target as'.            

Creating Form Letters in Excel

Module 4: Creating Form Letters Example Spreadsheet:  Food Establishment Inspections

(Note: Before watching the video, download the GreaseTraps spreadsheet and save it to your own computer. Right-click on this Link to example spreadsheet, and select 'Save target as'.            

Password Protecting Excel Files

Module 5: Password Protecting Files Start Time Example:  Tracking Pneumococcal Vaccinations

(Note: Before watching the video, download the PneumoVaccines spreadsheet and save it to your own computer. Right-click on this Link to example spreadsheet, and select 'Save target as'.            

Using "Find", "Replace", "Count", "Sum", and "Average" 

Module 8a: An Outbreak Investigation:
Using Find, Replace, Count, Sum, Average
Start Time Example:  Hepatitis A Outbreak

(Note: Before watching the video, download the Hepatitis Outbreak spreadsheet and save it to your own computer. Right-click on this Link to example spreadsheet, and select 'Save target as'.