Data Example from Dixon and Massey

Note: The 'dixonmassey' data set is from Dixon WJ and Massey F Jr., Introduction to Statistical Analysis,, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1983.


Sample Size = 20 males


Examples of Descriptive Statistics

Graphical Summaries - Continuous Variables

Example: chol52





Continuous Variables








Lower Quartile:


Upper Quartile:


Interquartile Range:





Standard Deviation:


Categorical Variables

Counting: 7 subjects had a coronary event by 1962.

Proportions: 7/20 = 35% of patients had a coronary event by 1962.


Associations Between Pairs of Variables

Continuous and Categorical Variables

Mean of Chol52

For cor = 0, 301.85

For cor = 1, 328.43


Two Continuous Variables: Chol52 and Age

Correlation: r = -0.11

Regression: Chol52 = 341 – 0.66*age.


Two Categorical Variables:

cor and Agelt50