Basics of R Programming

Table of Contents»


Contributing Authors:

Ching-Ti Liu, PhD, Associate Professor, Biostatistics

Jacqueline Milton, PhD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Biostatistics

Avery McIntosh, doctoral candidate



This module will build additional skills in R programming by going beyound simple commands.




Learning Objectives

By the end of this session students will be able to:

  1. Perform simple data manipulations: vectors (numeric, logical, character), missing values, index vectors, many-to-one, one-to-many merging
  2. Use grouped expression and if-else statements:
  3. Know how to write your own functions

Additional Tools:

> sort( c(1,55,-2,11) )

[1] -2  1 11 55

> sample(c("First","Second","Third","Fourth"), replace=F)

[1] "Fourth" "First"  "Third"  "Second"



Review of Matrices, Arrays, and Data Frames

We discussed vectors, matrices and arrays in the first module in this series. Let's recall how to create a matrix of data from some given measurements, say heights and weights of 15 students. Suppose we have the data below:


height   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66    67    68    69    70    71    72

weight  115  117  120  123  126  129  132  135  139   142   146   150   154   159   164


We can read this into R using the following commands:

>  height = c(58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72)

>  weight = c(115,117,120,123,126,129,132,135,139,142,146,150,154,159,164)


This gives us two vectors, but it may be useful to convert this into a matrix, so that each person's height and weight appear together. To do this, we can use the command:

> htwtmatrix = matrix(c(height,weight),15,2) # what do 15 and 2 refer to?

> htwtmatrix

      [,1] [,2]

 [1,]   58  115

 [2,]   59  117

 [3,]   60  120

 [4,]   61  123

 [5,]   62  126

 [6,]   63  129

 [7,]   64  132

 [8,]   65  135

 [9,]   66  139

[10,]   67  142

[11,]   68  146

[12,]   69  150

[13,]   70  154

[14,]   71  159

[15,]   72  164


What do you notice about how R creates a matrix from a vector? It constructs matrices column-wise by default, so if you want to create a matrix row-by-row, you need to give it an additional argument "byrow=T".


How would you create a matrix that has height and weight as the two rows instead of columns?

Look for help on this under help(matrix) if necessary.

Now we have each person's height and weight together. However, for future reference, instead of storing the data as a matrix, it might be helpful to have the column names together with the data.


Recall from module 1 that in order to assign column names, we first have to convert htwtmatrix to a data frame. A data frame is a list of vectors and/or factors of the same length that are related "across" such that data in the same row position come from the same experimental unit (subject, animal, etc.). In addition, it has a unique set of row names. To convert htwtmatrix to a data frame, we use the command:

> htwtdata = data.frame(htwtmatrix)

> htwtdata

   X1  X2

1  58 115

2  59 117

3  60 120

4  61 123

5  62 126

6  63 129

7  64 132

8  65 135

9  66 139

10 67 142

11 68 146

12 69 150

13 70 154

14 71 159

15 72 164


The command works as well.

Notice that now the columns are named "X1" and "X2". We can now assign names to the columns by means of the "names()" command:

> names(htwtdata) = c("height","weight")

We can always find the column names of a data frame, without opening up the whole data set, by typing in

> names(htwtdata)

[1] "height" "weight"


Let us recall how R operates on matrices, and how that compares to data frames. Recall that R evaluates functions over entire vectors (and matrices), avoiding the need to loops. For example, what do the following commands do?

> htwtmatrix*2

> htwtmatrix[,1]/12    # convert height in inches to feet

> mean(htwtmatrix[,2])


To get the dimensions or number of rows or columns of a data frame, it is often useful to use one of the following commands:

> dim(htwtdata)

> nrow(htwtdata)

> ncol(htwtdata)

What does the following R command do?


> htwtdata[,2]*703/htwtdata[,1]^2  


How would you get R to give you the height and weight of the 8th student in the data set? The 8th and 10th student?



Programming Loops and If-then/for/while Statements

So far we have mainly used R for performing one-line commands on vectors or matrices of data. One of the most powerful features of R is in being able to do programming, without a lot of the low-level detailed bookkeeping issues that one needs to keep track of in other computer programming languages like C, Java, Perl, etc. In this section we will explore some simple, yet powerful, programming tools in R, such as loops, if-then and while statements.


R is an expression language in the sense that its only command type is a function or expression which returns a result. Even an assignment is an expression whose result is the value assigned, and it may be used wherever any expression may be used; in particular multiple assignments are possible. Commands may be grouped together in braces, {expr_1; ...; expr_m}, in which case the value of the group is the result of the last expression in the group evaluated. That is a bit abstract, so let's get our hands dirty.

If/else statements

In R, one can write a conditional statement as follows:

ifelse(condition on data, true value returned, false returned)


The above expression reads: if condition on the data is true, then do the true value assigned; otherwise execute the "false value."

> ifelse(3 > 4, x <- 5, x <- 6)

> x

[1] 6

The operators && and || are often used to denote multiple conditions in an if statement. Whereas &(and) and |(or) apply element-wise to vectors, && and || apply to vectors of length one, and only evaluate their second argument in the sequence if necessary. Thus it is important to remember which logical operator to use in which situation.


> hmean =  mean(htwtdata$height)

> wmean =  mean(htwtdata$weight)

> ifelse( hmean > 61 && wmean > 120, x <- 5, x <- 6)

> x

[1] 5


> htwt_cat<-ifelse (height>67 | weight>150, "high", "low")


> htwt_cat

 [1] "low"  "low"  "low"  "low"  "low"  "low"  "low"  "low"  "low"  "low"  "high"

[12] "high" "high" "high" "high"


> htwt_cat<-ifelse (height>67 || weight>150, "high", "low")

> htwt_cat

 [1] "low" 

(Notice that in the second ifelse statement only the first element in the series was computed.)


This can also be extended to include multiple conditions.  Suppose we have the following data:

final_score<- c(39, 51, 60, 65, 72, 78, 79, 83, 85, 85, 87, 89, 91, 95, 96, 97, 100, 100)


passfail<-ifelse(final_score>=60, "pass", "fail")


Suppose we want to create a variable called grades that is assigned as follows:

"F" if final_score <60

"D" if 60≤final_score<70

"C" if 70≤final_score<80

"B" if 80≤final_score<90

"A" if 90≤final_score

Nested ifelse Statements

We can use a "nested" ifelse command as follows:

grade<-ifelse(final_score<60,"F", ifelse (final_score<70,"D", ifelse(final_score<80,"C", ifelse (final_score<90,"B", "A"))))

The logic by which this will assign grades is depicted in the figure below.

This type of scheme is really useful for putting different colors in graphs for different conditions. Consider the following graph of air quality measurements taken hourly in Beijing.

The code for the color section of the graph in the plot() command reads:

col = ifelse(pm25<=50,"green",










Repetitive Execution: "for" loops, "repeat" and "while"

There is a for loop construction in R which has form

     > for (name in expr_1) expr_2

where name is the loop variable. expr_1 is a vector expression, (often a sequence like 1:20), and expr_2 is often a grouped expression with its sub-expressions written in terms of the dummy name. expr_2 is repeatedly evaluated as name ranges through the values in the vector result of expr_1.

Suppose, based on the ozone measurements in the airquality data set, we want to figure out which days were good air quality days (1) or bad air quality (0), based on a cutoff of ozone levels above 60ppb. Let us create a new vector called "goodair", which stores the information on good and bad air-quality days. We can do this using a for loop.

> numdays = nrow(airquality)

> numdays

[1] 153


> goodair = numeric(numdays)      

# creates an object which will store the vector


> for(i in 1:numdays)

    if (airquality$Ozone[i] > 60) goodair[i] = 0 else goodair[i] = 1


## (Notice that we have an if statement here within a for loop.)


Does the command above work? Why/why not?


Let's check the Ozone variable. What do you notice below?


>  airquality$Ozone

 [1]  41  36  12  18  NA  28  23  19   8  NA   7  16  11  14  18  14  34   6

 [19]  30  11   1  11   4  32  NA  NA  NA  23  45 115  37  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA

 [37]  NA  29  NA  71  39  NA  NA  23  NA  NA  21  37  20  12  13  NA  NA  NA

 [55]  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA 135  49  32  NA  64  40  77  97  97  85  NA

 [73]  10  27  NA   7  48  35  61  79  63  16  NA  NA  80 108  20  52  82  50

 [91]  64  59  39   9  16  78  35  66 122  89 110  NA  NA  44  28  65  NA  22

[109]  59  23  31  44  21   9  NA  45 168  73  NA  76 118  84  85  96  78  73

[127]  91  47  32  20  23  21  24  44  21  28   9  13  46  18  13  24  16  13

[145]  23  36   7  14  30  NA  14  18  20


When there are missing values, many operations in R fail. One way to get around this is to create a new data frame that deletes all the rows corresponding to observations with missing rows. This can be done by means of the command "na.omit"

> airqualfull = na.omit(airquality)

> dim(airqualfull)

[1] 111   6

> dim(airquality)  

[1] 153   6             

# How many cases were deleted because of missing data?


Sometimes deleting all cases with missing values is useful, and sometimes it is a horrible idea…

We could get around this without deleting missing cases with an ifelse statement within the for loop.


Now let's try doing this again with the data with the complete cases.

> numdays = nrow(airqualfull)


> numdays

[1] 111


> goodair = numeric(numdays)       # initialize the vector


> for(i in 1:numdays)

    if (airqualfull$Ozone[i] >60) goodair[i] = 0 else goodair[i] = 1


> goodair

  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0

 [38] 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1

 [75] 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


At this point we might be interested in which days were the ones with good air quality. The "which" command returns a set of indices corresponding to the condition specified. We can then use the indices to find the day of the month this corresponds to.

> which(goodair == 1)    ## notice the double "=" signs!

> goodindices <-  which(goodair == 1)

> airqualfull[goodindices,] 

Suppose we want to define a day with good quality air as one with ozone levels below 60ppb, and temperatures less than 80 degrees F. Write an R loop to do this, and output the resulting subset of the data to a file called goodquality.txt. (Hint: use an ifelse() statement inside the for loop.)


While Statements & REPEAT

Similar to a loop function, the while statement can be used to perform an operation while a given condition is true.  For example:

z <-0

while (z<5){




[1] 2

[1] 4

[1] 6


In the above while statement we initiate z to have a value of 0.  We then state that as long as z is less than 5 we will continue to perform the following loop operation z<-z+2.

Thus we have

z <- 0+2  ##Initially z is 0, but after the first iteration of the loop the value of z is 2

z <- 2+2  ## After the second iteration the value of z is 4

z <- 4+2  ## After the third iteration the value of z is 6


The while statement stops here because now z is now bigger than 5.


Another option for looping is the repeat function. An example follows:

> i<-1

> repeat{

+    print(i)

+    if( i == 15) break

+    i<-i+1

+           }

[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] 3

[1] 4

[1] 5

[1] 6

[1] 7

[1] 8

[1] 9

[1] 10

[1] 11

[1] 12

[1] 13

[1] 14

[1] 15


All of these examples are analogous to MACROS in SAS. We want to do something many times, without doing it by hand each time; we are automating the process.

These methods can be greatly expanded to do dynamic, efficient, extremely complicated operations. The idea of this section is really just to get you familiar with how these programs do complicated operations.

Conditional Indexing

Data frames and matrices allow for conditional indexing in R, which is often very useful. Instead of creating the goodair vector using a loop, we could directly extract the good air quality days using conditional indexing, using the single command below:

> airqualfull[airqualfull$Ozone < 60,]


It is worthwhile to keep in mind that many things in R can be done avoiding loops, and using conditional indexing can save a lot of time and effort! However, there are other times when using loops may be the only (or best) way to do things.


Conditional indexing is also useful for extracting groups of data from data frames, or splitting data into groups according to some criterion (or data which is already grouped according to some factor). For example, to get sets of ozone measurements for days with temperatures higher and lower than 80 degrees F, we can use:

> split(airqualfull$Ozone, airqualfull$Temp < 80)


 [1]  45  29  71  39  23 135  49  32  64  40  77  97  97  85  27   7  48  35

[19]  61  79  63  80 108  20  52  82  50  64  59  39   9  16 122  89 110  44

[37]  28  65 168  73  76 118  84  85  96  78  73  91  47  32  20  44  16  36



 [1]  41  36  12  18  23  19   8  16  11  14  18  14  34   6  30  11   1  11

[19]   4  32  23 115  37  21  37  20  12  13  10  16  22  59  23  31  44  21

[37]   9  45  23  21  24  21  28   9  13  46  18  13  24  13  23   7  14  30

[55]  14  18  20


Using conditional indexing, write an R command to replicate the results of the preceding exercise questtion. (Hint: use single &, not double &&.)


Merging and Sorting Dataframes

Note: This topic has a lot to it, so I only cover the basics. There are plenty of online resources to do this on your own. There won't be any homework questions on this section.

Say you have two datasets and you want to merge them based on an ID number. A simple example of merging these by variable ID follows:

> dataset.1<-matrix(c(1,13,12,1, 2,12,10,2, 3,13,9,1, 4,9,8,2, 5,3,7,3, 6,5,6,1, 7,6,5,2, 8,5,5,3), ncol=4, byrow=T)

> dataset.1<-data.frame(dataset.1)

> names(dataset.1)<-c("ID","read 1","read 2","read 3")

> dataset.1

  ID read 1 read 2 read 3

1  1     13     12      1

2  2     12     10      2

3  3     13      9      1

4  4      9      8      2

5  5      3      7      3

6  6      5      6      1

7  7      6      5      2

8  8      5      5      3


> dataset.2<-matrix(c(1,12, 2,13, 3,3, 4,15, 5,31, 6,15, 7,4, 8,6), ncol=2, byrow=T)

> dataset.2<-data.frame(dataset.2)

> names(dataset.2)<-c("ID","read 4")


> dataset.2

  ID read 4

1  1     12

2  2     13

3  3      3

4  4     15

5  5     31

6  6     15

7  7      4

8  8      6


> dataset.merged <- merge(dataset.1,dataset.2,by="ID")


> dataset.merged

ID read 1 read 2 read 3 read 4

1  1     13     12      1     12

2  2     12     10      2     13

3  3     13      9      1      3

4  4      9      8      2     15

5  5      3      7      3     31

6  6      5      6      1     15

7  7      6      5      2      4

8  8      5      5      3      6

Many to One Merging 

Now, a nice simple example of many-to-one merging:

> library(reshape)

> my.test.2<-matrix(c(1,13,12,1, 1,12,10,2, 2,13,9,1, 2,9,8,2, 2,3,7,3, 3,5,6,1, 3,6,5,2, 3,5,5,3), ncol=4, byrow=T)

#create sample data


# convert to a dataframe, a more robust format

> my.test.2<


# add column names

> names(my.test.2)<-c("ID","read A","read B","visit")


# print it to get a look. This is in "long" format

> my.test.2

  ID read A read B visit

1  1     13     12     1

2  1     12     10     2

3  2     13      9     1

4  2      9      8     2

5  2      3      7     3

6  3      5      6     1

7  3      6      5     2

8  3      5      5     3


# above is a matrix of repeated measures on the same patient seen during multiple visits. The function below coerces the data frame into a 'wide' format, with one row per individual, renaming variables to account for missing values.


> wide_mytest <- reshape(my.test.2, direction="wide",idvar="ID",timevar="visit")

> wide_mytest

  ID read A.1 read B.1 read A.2 read B.2 read A.3 read B.3

1  1       13       12       12       10       NA       NA

3  2       13        9        9        8        3        7

6  3        5        6        6        5        5        5


Finally, you have a matrix you want to sort from smallest to largest of a particular column, but you want to keep each row intact. Do the following:

> setwd("/Users/Avery/Documents/classes/Graduate/720 Intro to R/spring 2015/classes/wk3/sorting matrices")

> read.table("ZZ")

          p result x1         x2

1 0.8417549      1  2  0.4213440

2 0.9136235      1  3 -0.6412975

3 0.8361460      0  2  0.3798271

4 0.9850423      1  4 -0.5625415

5 0.3114491      1  0  1.4566465

#note each row here starts with an assigned number; this is NOT an actual column of (1,2,3,…), it's just a row designation.

#now sort it via column named "p"


> ZZ[order(ZZ[,1]),]


# or:


> attach(ZZ)

> ZZ[order(p),]

               p             result x1         x2

5        0.3114491      1  0  1.4566465

3        0.8361460      0  2  0.3798271

1        0.8417549      1  2  0.4213440

2        0.9136235      1  3 -0.6412975

4        0.9850423      1  4 -0.5625415

Now the matrix is sorted by column "p" while keeping the structure of the dataframe.


Writing Simple Functions in R: Why and How

The R language allows the user to create objects of mode function. These are true R functions that are stored in a special internal form and may be used in further expressions and so on. In the process, the language gains enormously in power, convenience and elegance, and learning to write useful functions is one of the main ways to make your use of R comfortable and productive.

It should be emphasized that most of the functions supplied as part of the R system, such as mean(), var(), dim() and so on, are themselves written in R and thus do not differ materially from user written functions.

A function is defined by an assignment of the form

     > name <- function(arg_1, arg_2, ...) expression

The expression is an R expression, (usually a grouped expression), that uses the arguments, arg_i, to calculate some value. The value of the expression is the value returned by the function.

A call to the function then usually takes the form name(expr_1, expr_2, ...) and may occur anywhere a function call is legitimate.

Simple Functions

As a first example, consider a function to calculate a one-sample t-statistic to test the null hypothesis that in the height and weight data set, the mean population weight is "x" lb, where "x" can be specified by the user. This is an artificial example, of course, since there are other, simpler ways of achieving the same end (we'll do this next class).

> onesam <- function(y1, x) {

         n1  <- length(y1) ##sample size

         yb1 <- mean(y1)   ##mean of y1

         s1  <- var(y1)    ##variance of y1 

         tstat <- (yb1 - x)/sqrt(s1/n1) 

##computing t-statistic = (mean-x)/SE




With this function defined, you could perform one-sample t-tests using a call such as

> t.statistic <- onesam(htwtdata$weight, 130); t.statistic


To check whether this function works, compare it to running the actual t-test function inbuilt in R:

> t.test(htwtdata$weight-130)


A function can be called within a loop, or can be applied to elements of a vector or matrix at once, making R very powerful to use. We will continue looking at similar examples throughout the course.


Another example:

min.max.range <- function(x){

     minimum<- min(x)

r <- max(x) - min(x)

     maximum <- max(x)






vec.1<- c(10, 20, 50)


[1] 10

[1] 50

[1] 40


Write a function called summarystat, which returns the mean, median,and standard deviation of a set of numbers.


