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Five tabs each providing a definition of one of the following terms: population , subject, sample, variables, and data elements.

Tab Title: Population

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A population is the collection of all subjects of interest. In the example used here it is the collection of all residents of Massachusetts. Other populations of interest might be American males with heart disease.

Tab Title: Subjects

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Subjects are the units on which characteristics are measured. In medicine and public health, the subjects are most frequently humans, but might also be cells in culture or animals used in research.

Tab Title: Sample

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A sample is a subset of the population of interest. For example, one hundred randomly selected residents of Massachusetts might be selected and weighed if one were interested in characterizing body weight.

Tab Title: Variables

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Variables are the characteristics which are being measured and/or recorded. For example, body weight, age, gender, serum cholesterol levels, and tobacco use might be variables of interest.

Tab Title: Data Elements

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Data elements or data points are representations or each subjects characteristics. For example, in a sample of Massachusetts residents their body weights might be 125 lbs, 189 lbs, 155 lbs, 223 lbs, etc.

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