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Your First Assignment

You graduated from Boston University School of Public Health last spring and began working for the Massachusetts Deparment of Public Heath just two weeks ago. DPH was severely understaffed, and after a brief orientation you were given your first field assignment.

Your supervisor says:

"We've been following a situation in the town of Sparta about an hour an a half west of here on the turnpike. About two weeks ago they reported a case of hepatitis A. A 31 year-old woman was seen in the emergency room of the local hospital complaining of fever, nausea, and severe fatigue. She also reported that her urine was very dark, and her stools were very light in color over the past 24 hours. She had been previously healthy and had no past history of jaundice. She had a low grade fever (100.6 ° F), mild scleral icterus (the whites of her eyes were slightly yellow), and her liver was enlarged. She had no rash. On the next page you will see the results of her blood tests."

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